Scripts description

Cron-w3perl is the master script which start all the others scripts in the right order. If your provider allow only one entry in your crontab, this is the script to add !
Purpose It compute all stats, lannching the different w3perl scripts.
Frequency Once a day in the incremental mode.
Time taken Depending on your logfile size and your configuration file, it can take from a few minutes to several hours.
If your log file is really huge, I suggest you to compress it on several parts or to test first output via a small logfile.
How it works It starts the different scripts according to the time schedule you have defined. Can be run from the web interface.
-c <file>load configuration file
-astart from scratch
-d <nbdays>number of days to scan
-eincremental run for all scripts
-xshow default value
Notes Can now be run from Windows also
