Scripts description
Purpose Hourly stats
It compute stats for each hours of the current day, by scanning the logfile on the current day.
Frequency Once every hour.
If you forget to run it one hour, it won't loose any data as compute the hourly stats from the beginning of the current day. So you can run cron-hour once a day (at midnight) if your CPU is low.
Time taken A few seconds.
How it works It scan the logfile for the current date and compute values for each hours from the beginning of the current day. It will also save the hourly stats at midnight, the files can be viewed in the table of daily stats.
-a scan all the logfile to produce average hourly stats
-c <file>load configuration file
-i <file> input logfile
-o <file> output logfile
-l <language>language output
-j <dd/Mmm/yyyy> scan only a specific day
-r <string> scan only this matching string
-p <level> precision level
-t <topten> display only toplist files
-v show default value
-v display version
Notes Produced a stats of the day, you can see them in the text version of the daily stats. Will not save over than one year daily files. The -a option will show you the average hourly hits over the full logfile (these job is done by cron-session).
Purpose Daily stats
It compute text and graphics stats for each day, by scanning files produced by cron-pages or cron-inc.
Frequency Once every day.
No data lost if you forget to run it one day.
Time taken A few seconds.
How it works It scan differents files produced by cron-pages or cron-inc , extract some values and compute the graphs and table data.
-c <file>load configuration file
-d <number> number of days
-g <graphic> use different graphic option
-l <language>language output
-p <level> precision level
-v display version
-x show default values
Notes You could look for the last previous days stats in the text option. The hourly stats script save its daily file at the end of the day and add the link in its table data.
Purpose Weekly stats
It compute stats for each week by scanning files produced by cron-pages or cron-inc.
Frequency Once every week.
No data lost if you forget to run it one week.
You will have to wait two weeks to see the graphs (need two points to draw a graph !).
Time taken A few seconds.
How it works It scan differents files produced by cron-pages or cron-inc , extract some values and compute the graphs and table data.
-c <file>load configuration file
-g <graphic> use different graphic option
-l <language>language output
-p <level> precision level
-v display version
-x show default values
Notes Cron-week compute a graph for the directory stats.
It will also compute graphs for each directories you have choosen in the configuration files.
Purpose Monthly stats
It compute stats for each month by scanning the log file.
Frequency Once every month.
No data lost if you forget to run it one month.
You will have to wait two months to see the graphs (need two points to draw a graph !).
Time taken From a few minutes to several hours depending of the size of your logfile.
How it works It scan the log file to extract a resume stats for each month.
-b incremental run
-c <file>load configuration file
-g <graphic> use different graphic option
-l <language>language output
-p <level> precision level
-v display version
-x show default values
-z use compressed logfiles
Notes When choosing th '-b' flag, the script will scan only the last month, speeding the process !
