Future developments
Users, feel free to send me your suggestions !
Todo list
* Global
- Automatic unit (unresolved)
- Daily users empty
- Daily links missing
- Filtering table
- Update Demo FTP/EMail/Squid
- New cron-agent.pl
- Jquery for new homepage
- Vote pour la nouvelle homepage
- Compare Webalizer / W3Perl / Awstats / GA / Piwik on w3perl.com
- Top path session
- RSS : hits/day, referer
- Multiproc
- Load-balancing
- wget download status 206
- 2009 download
- Heatmap with floating pages
- WS
- Email_debug -> send config to me
- RSS/Email alert (traffic)
- Cron-w3perl.pl -r -s
- City Full list
- Refer : Windows.98 ?
- Cron-refer.pl with several -p
- Sort table from a search
- IIS 7.0 UTF log (u_)
- Move /w3perl/cgi-bin/w3perl/
- Daily reports : add Cities / Documents / RSS
- Show current month
- Bug graph display with several array
- MD5Sum
- Logfiles rotated by filesize
- Support pour une fonction "resume" dans cron-pages.pl
- Multiple graph with monthly report
- Whois field
- Support pour X-Forwarded-For
- Popup bugge
- Session : use robot from cron-pages.pl
- Popup on Document Tree
- Document Search
- Zoom daily graph
- Mod_log_config Cookie
* Admin
- manage referer spammer
- IIS display when running from web interface
- Timeout IIS
- config file : rename
- Choose homepage
- Upgrade from Admin ?
- Login/pass from admin
- Choose homepage style
* Documentation
- config_manual.tpl
- FAQ + /fr/
- man pages
- Cookbook Upgrade/Page Tagging/Reverse DNS
* Display
- Search tools
- CSS switch : problem with curvycorners
- Menu in ajax
- Server using cgi-perl rather than cgi-bin
- Stats on /cgi-bin/ only
- WordPress logfiles
- PureFTP support
- Domino logfiles
- CentOS package
- HeatMap
- Javascript tag method (people with no logfile access)
- More Ajax (search function)
- PDF Exportation