
 No server 

* First STAGE : Install the scripts

- Run w3perl.exe

* 2nd STAGE : Building configuration file

- Default configuration file is provided for Windows with no Web server : You need to make some modifications in order to use W3Perl.
Edit the file C:\Program Files\W3Perl\ and change the settings according to your needs.

* Basically you need to fill some informations about your log files :
  1. the logfile location (on your hard disk or on a remote host)
  2. your logfile format
  3. the name of your logfile
  4. if they are compressed/split
* and your own setup :
  1. the name of your server
  2. any filtering rules (page, directory, country ...)
  3. any display rules (language, number of items to display...)

Help is provided about configuration files.

An online tool is available to build your configuration file.

* 3rd STAGE : Ready

- You should now be able to analyse your logs.
- You can either :

  1. open a shell (from the windows menu 'Programs'->'Accessories'->'Command Prompt'), change directory to the W3Perl one (cd C:/Program Files/W3Perl/) and run the script with the -a -c flag to start from scratch ( -a). If you just need to update stats, run the same script with the -e -c flag.

  2. Select the 'Init Stats' or 'Update Stats' from the menu 'Program'->'W3Perl'
- In order to watch the ouput, click on the index file located in C:/W3Perl/stat/ or select 'View Stats' from the menu 'Program'->'W3Perl'
- You can use the command at to schedule the stats to update, add the command ' -e' to run daily

* Problem ?

If you have any trouble with w3perl, please check installation was successful. You can contact me if you have serious trouble.