Unix installation

First, You need to install the Fly or Flydraw package which will compute graphics for w3perl. Then installation is just a matter of editing three lines in a script and then using the administration interface to customize your reports.


1 - Download the Fly package from this page. Use version 1.6.5 or make sure 2.0.0 have GIF support enabled.

2 - Extract the files (tar -xzvf fly.tgz on Unix)

3 - Compile the package (make) or use the binary file.

You can use Flydraw as an alternative to Fly because they share the same API.


There are five different ways to install the package. Check which case match your configuration.

  Server Telnet/ssh Cgi-bin Crontab
Local Remote No No Option
FTP Remote No Yes Option
Unprivileged user (without cgi) Local Yes No Option
Webmaster or User - (with cgi) (*) Local Yes Yes Yes
Webmaster (Virtual Web) Local Yes Yes Yes
RPM Local Yes Yes Yes
Ubuntu Local Yes Yes Yes

(*) Default installation with the tarball package.

Here is a short preview of what should be done to install the package. See detailed instructions in the previous links. Five different parts are required :

    1 - Installation of the files

Best is to install the package inside the web server root. Password protect the admin section (/w3perl/admin/), this is the place where you will manage your stats.
You'll have the edit the first three parameters of the install.pl script (Perl path, CGI dir for W3Perl and W3Perl install dir) and run it.
Ensure that /resources/admin/ and /config/ are writeable by the server if you want to use the adminstration interface, they should have world permission (chmod 777).

If you do not have access to logfiles, you can add a small piece of javacsript in the pages you want to monitor. Only pages with the included tag will be monitored. Make sure /logs/ are writeable by the server. This script will build daily logfiles for you.

    2 - Making configuration file

The package need a configuration file to load. This file have informations about the stats options you need to customize the output.
Configuration files can be made via an administration interface using http://localhost/<W3Perl_install_dir>/admin/ or manually if you don't have access to a cgi-bin directory.

    3 - Initialisation

Launch some scripts to check your configuration file and adjust it if needed. Then all stats can be done by running one script (cron-w3perl.pl)

    4 - Updating

Add an entry in your crontab to compute stats each night. All you need to do later is to watch the results in your browser each morning !

    5 - Greetings

At last, if you are happy with this piece of software, tell me you're using w3perl. When you let me know you are using w3perl, you help me justify the time spent in maintaining and improving it. If the results are publicly visible on the web, a URL is a wonderful thing to receive, but if it's not a publicly visible project, a simple note is just as welcome.

See the FAQ and bug report if something's wrong.
If you have any trouble when installing the package, send me an email about what's wrong. Try to be as much precise as you can.