Windows - IIS

 IIS server 

* First STAGE : IIS 7 requirement

- IIS 7.0 should first enable the IIS 6.0 metabase compatibility.
More informations about adding IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility in IIS 7.0 :

- Run w3perl-iis.exe

* 2nd STAGE : Build configuration file

- Now use your opened browser to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/ to manage configuration files.
- Default configuration file is provided for IIS : You should be able to use it without any modification as the installer read the IIS metabase to extract data (logfile format, domain name ...)
- If you want to make some modifications (for instance changing thresholds), select Modify a config and select the config-iis file.
- If you want to build your own configuration file from scratch, click on Make a new config and follow the procedures outlined. By filling in the details you will create a file called You can also choose to 'clone' the config-iis file if you just need to change few fields.

* 3rd STAGE : Ready

- You should now be able to analyse your logs.
- You can run the stats either from a web interface or the 'Start Menu'. Choose one and use always the same way. If you choose the web admin, logfiles should be readable by the web server (add IUSR_[your server name] user in Security on your logfile directory) and output directory should be writeable by the server.

1) Web interface : Nicer but you could receive a server timeout (W3Perl set the value to 10 hours).
a) In admin go through the Immediate Launch which allow to compute the stats.
b) Select the IIS configuration file
c) Then click on the 'Init all stats' icon.

2) Windows Menu : Faster but more difficult to catch errors/warnings
a) Select 'Start Menu -> Program -> W3Perl -> Init'

- In order to watch the ouput, go back to the administration interface and select the View stats
- You can use the command at to schedule the stats to update, add the command ' -e -c <configfile>' to run daily

* IIS logfile

Default IIS logfile format is rather poor. It does not include any data about agent, referer and traffic which are very useful. I suggest you to alter your logfile format using the IIS administration tool to add these extra data. Best would be to use the W3C format.

* Problem ?

If you have any trouble with w3perl, please check installation was successful. Edit the /w3perl/Config.txt files. This is the configuration parameters which are used for w3perl installation.

Check the following points :

- Make sure CGIPerl is enabled in 'Web Service Extension' (ASAPIPerl is not needed). See here for manual installation.
- If you are using the web interface to run the stats :
=> make sure cmd.exe could be run from the IIS user (IUSR_[hostname]) or don't use the master script (which fork w3perl's scripts).
=> The logfile should be readable by IIS user or the script will not find any logfile
=> Your output directory should be writeable by IIS User or the script will not be able to modify the files produced.