Ubuntu/Debian installation

If you are running Ubuntu or Debian, this is the easy way to install the package. W3Perl have been built on a Ubuntu (using alien to convert the rpm into debian package). It have been tested on an Ubuntu 7.10 . You need to log as root.
Default location is :
  • /var/www/ for webserver root
  • /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ for cgi-bin and
  • /var/log/apache2/ for logfiles

Default logfile format is ECLF.

The default configuration file is config-ubuntu.pl

* First Step : Install Fly or Flydraw

You'll need first to install the Fly or Flydraw package in order to get graphics.

- From 3.042, W3Perl use Flydraw as default as it has been packaged on Ubuntu.

- If you want to use Fly, get the tarball and then :

- tar -zxvf fly-1.6.5.tar.gz
- cd fly
- ./configure; make ; make install
Default location for the fly tool is /usr/local/bin

* 2nd Step : Install W3Perl

Once Fly have been installed, just type :
dpkg -i w3perl_<version>_all.deb where <version> is the current release number.

Files will be installed to the proper location with the right path. Files Group/Owner are apache (httpd user). A default configuration file (config-ubuntu.pl) is provided so the scripts are ready to run. But some fields need to be edited like your server domain name.

So if you want to modify the provided configuration file or create a new one, use the admin interface (http://localhost/w3perl/admin/)

If you need later to remove these packages, just use dpkg -r w3perl_<version>_all.deb

* 3rd Step : Permission

Two directories shoud be readable/writeable by the server if you want to use the administration interface :
/w3perl/config/ and /w3perl/resources/admin/, so chmod 777 if not.
Also /w3perl/resources/admin/locconf should be writeable so chmod 666.

* 4th Step : Configuration

W3Perl need a configuration file to run. Go to the administration interface (http://localhost/w3perl/admin/) and choose the one you want to alter (config-ubuntu.pl is for ubuntu/debian users but should be useful for others). Of course, you still can create one by yourself. . My advice would be to use the config-ubuntu file as a template ('clone' option)
That's all !

* 5th Step : Optional software

Geo-IPfree or Geo-IP perl module allow geographical mapping from IP addresses. Install the libgeo-ip-perl and libgeoip1 packages. If you can't install these packages, you can them download them and install them manually :

  • GeoIP : You need first to install the GeoIP C Library (configure, make, make install) then the Geo-IP perl module (perl Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install)
  • Geo-IPfree : don't seems to be updated very often but don't rely on a company tool (perl Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install)
  • HTMLDoc to allow PDF output
  • Perl MIME::Lite module to allow report to be send by email

See the plug-in page to get more informations.