The aim of squeezelog is to squeeze huge httpd log file to save
disk space.
Every first day of each month , squeezelog should be called in a
crontab to cut and compressed the current log file. It can be only
used by root as logfiles are usually root files.
(Eg : 01 00 1 * * /usr/bin/sh /norfolk/www/w3perl/squeezelog)
Configuring squeezelog :
- LOGDIR is the full path where the log file are stored
- LOG is the name of your log file
- You should give the full path for gzip (Eg : /opt/bin/gzip)
Altering squeezelog :
- If you have a error log file, you can also compress it (delete the
rem in the squeezelog file)
- You may also want to restart the httpd daemon
(see the last line in rem, '/home/local/WWW/server_root/httpd-pid' is the
file where is located the httpd pid)